Sir A Turner's Psychic Experiences
Scary Books:
Indian Ghost Stories
S. Mukerji
General Sir Alfred Turner's psychic experiences, which he related
to the London Spiritualist Alliance on May 7, in the salon of the
Royal Society of British Artists, cover a very wide field, and they
date from his early boyhood.
The most interesting and suggestive relate to the re-appearance of
Mr. Stead, says the _Daily Chronicle_. On the Sunday following the
sinking of the
itanic, Sir Alfred was visiting a medium when she
told him that on the glass of the picture behind his back the head
of a man and afterwards 'its' whole form appeared. She described
him minutely, and said he was holding a child by the hand. He had
no doubt that it was Mr. Stead, and he wrote immediately to Miss
Harper, Mr. Stead's private secretary. She replied saying that on
the same day she had seen a similar apparition, in which Mr. Stead
was holding a child by the hand.
A few days afterwards (continued Sir Alfred) at a private seance
the voice of Stead came almost immediately and spoke at length. He
told them what had happened in the last minutes of the wreck. All
those who were on board when the vessel sank soon passed over, but
they had not the slightest notion that they were dead. Stead knew
however, and he set to work to try and tell these poor people that
they had passed over and that there was at any rate no more
physical suffering for them. Shortly afterwards he was joined by
other spirits, who took part in the missionary work.
Mr. Stead was asked to show himself to the circle. He said 'Not
now, but at Cambridge House.' At the meeting which took place
there, not everybody was sympathetic, and the results were poor,
except that Mr. Stead came to them in short sharp flashes dressed
exactly as he was when on earth.
Since then, said Sir Alfred, he had seen and conversed with Mr.
Stead many times. When he had shown himself he had said very
little, when he did not appear he said a great deal. On the
occasion of his last appearance he said: 'I cannot speak to you.
But pursue the truth. It is all truth.'
I am confident, Sir Alfred declared, that Mr. Stead will be of the
greatest help to those of us who, on earth, work with him and to
others who believe.